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I Can't Find a File

Try these steps:

Check the activity panel

  1. On a computer, go to
  2. On the left, click My Drive.
  3. At the top right, click Info Information.
  4. Scroll down and look for your file.

Try an advanced search

  1. Using a computer, go to the search bar and click the Down arrow Down Arrow.
  2. Use the advanced search options to find your file, like "type:spreadsheets."

If the steps above didn't help, consider these special cases:

If someone else created the file

When someone creates a file, they can delete, rename, and restore it. Contact the person who created the file and ask them to restore it or share it with you again.

If it was in a folder someone else created

If someone deleted that folder, you won't see that folder in your Drive anymore. To find the file:

  1. Try this advanced search to see a list of files you created that are in deleted folders:
  2. Try this broader advanced search to see a list of all files that are in deleted folders:

To make that file easier to find in the future, drag it into a folder in "My Drive."

For more information look here