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How Do I Implement Google Cloud Search?

By default, Google Cloud Search indexes G Suite data, such as Google documents and spreadsheets. You do not need to implement Google Cloud search for G Suite data. However, you need to implement Google Cloud Search for non-G Suite data, such as data stored in a third-party database, file systems like Windows Fileshare, OneDrive or intranet portals like Sharepoint. The following steps are required to implement Google Cloud Search for your enterprise.

  1. Determine a use case that Google Cloud Search helps to solve.
  2. Identify the repositories holding data relevant to the use case.
  3. Identify the identity systems used by your company to manage access to data in each repository.
  4. Configure access to the Google Cloud Search REST API.
  5. Add a data source to Google Cloud Search.
  6. Create and register a schema for each data source.
  7. Determine if there is a content connector available for your repository. For a list of pre-built connectors, refer to the Cloud Search connector directory. If a content connector is available, skip to step 9.
  8. Create a content connector to access data in each repository and index it into a Cloud Search data source.
  9. Determine if you need an identity connector. If you don't need an identity connector, skip to step 11.
  10. Create an identity connector to map your repository or enterprise identities to Google identities.
  11. Set up search applications.
  12. Create a search interface to perform search queries.
  13. Deploy your connectors and search interfaces. If you used a pre-built connector, follow the instructions for the connector to obtain and deploy the connector. Available connectors are listed in the Google Cloud Search Connector Directory

Next steps

Here are a few next steps you might take:

  1. Try the Google Cloud Search getting started tutorial.
  2. Determine use case(s) for which you'll use Google Cloud Search.
  3. Identify the repositories relevant to these use cases.
  4. Identify any identity systems used by your repositories.
  5. Continue to Configure access to the Google Cloud Search API.

For more information please look here.